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How To Easily Sort By Date In Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide

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How To Easily Sort By Date In Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide

A person organizing colorful calendar pages with a laptop open.

Ever had a jumble of dates in Google Sheets that just wouldn’t line up? Sorting information by date is a common need, whether for work schedules or event planning. Our step-by-step guide will show you how to quickly sort those pesky dates and get your sheets looking sharp.

Get ready to make sorting simple!

Key Takeaways

  • Check that your date cells are in the same format, like MM/DD/YYYY, before you sort them. Use the DATEVALUE function to fix any that aren’t right.
  • Click on “Create a Filter” under the Data menu to sort dates easily. This adds dropdown arrows to each column header for sorting.
  • To use the SORT function, choose your date column and decide if you want ascending (oldest first) or descending (newest first) order. Then click “Sort.”
  • Make sure all dates are aligned on the right side of their cells so Google Sheets knows they’re dates.
  • Remember to convert text – looking dates into real ones with the DATEVALUE function before sorting, so everything works smoothly.

Validating Date Cells for Sorting

A spreadsheet with numeric date cells and a colorful graph background.

Ensure your date cells are in a valid format and properly aligned for sorting. You can use the DATEVALUE function to convert text dates into a numerical value that can be sorted accurately.

Checking for valid date format

Make sure all your date cells in Google Sheets have the right format before sorting. Dates should look consistent, like MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY. If they don’t match, sorting by date won’t work well.

Click on a cell with a date and check the format bar to see its format.

Use the DATEVALUE function if you find different formats. This changes text dates into real ones that Sheets understands. Try typing =DATEVALUE(“01/31/2023”) in an empty cell and hit Enter.

It should show a number because Sheets sees dates as numbers behind the scenes.

Ensuring proper alignment

Dates must be right-aligned in your cells to sort correctly. If they’re left-aligned, Google Sheets might see them as text, not dates. Check all the dates in your column and make sure they line up on the right side of each cell.

Use the toolbar to adjust alignment if needed. Just click on a date that’s out of place and press the “Align Right” button. This will help Google Sheets recognize all entries as dates for correct sorting later on.

Using the DATEVALUE function

The DATEVALUE function turns text that looks like a date into a date Google Sheets can use. Make sure your dates are in quotes, like “3/15/2023”. This step helps prevent errors when sorting by date.

If you type =DATEVALUE(“04/01/2023”) in a cell, it will show up as a number. That’s how Google Sheets counts days.

Convert all your dates with DATEVALUE before you sort. This way, every date is ready for filters or the sort function to work right. It makes your data clean and ensures smooth sorting whether you choose ascending order or descending order.

Sorting by Date Using Filters

An organized office desk with modern accessories and a computer.

To easily sort your data by date in Google Sheets, you can use the “Create a Filter” feature to highlight relevant data fields and select the desired date column for sorting. This will help you organize your data and find the information you need more efficiently.

Highlighting relevant data fields

Identify the column containing the date data. Click on the header to select the entire column. Then, go to “Data” and click on “Create a Filter.” Now you can see filter arrows next to each column header.

Use conditional formatting to highlight the date cells for easier identification. This helps you quickly locate and sort your data by date without missing any crucial information.

Using the “Create a Filter” feature

To sort by date in Google Sheets using the “Create a Filter” feature, first, ensure your data has a header row and is properly formatted. Click on any cell within your dataset, then go to the Data menu and select “Create a filter.” This adds dropdown arrows to each column header.

Click on the arrow in the column you want to sort by date and choose “Sort A-Z” or “Sort Z-A,” depending on whether you want an ascending or descending order. You can also use this feature to apply advanced range sorting options if needed, making it easy to manage and organize your data efficiently.

Highlighting relevant data fields ensures that only those columns are displayed when creating a filter. By selecting the desired date column once filtered, all other data will be temporarily hidden from view, allowing for focused sorting tasks without distraction.

Selecting the desired date column

Click on the column header that contains the date you want to sort. Ensure that the entire column is highlighted. It’s essential to accurately identify and select the specific date column for sorting.

Once you’ve selected the desired date column, proceed with applying your chosen method of sorting. Be mindful of choosing the correct column, as this will determine how your data is organized based on dates.

Sorting by Date Using the SORT Function

Choose the desired date column and set the ascending or descending order for easy sorting in Google Sheets. Read on to discover how to effortlessly organize your data by date!

Choosing the desired date column

Select the “Data” tab from the menu. Then, click on “Sort range.” After that, choose the column containing your date data from the ‘Sort by’ dropdown menu.

Next, indicate whether you want to sort in ascending or descending order. Finally, press “Sort” to rearrange your data based on the selected date column.

Setting ascending or descending order

To set ascending or descending order in Google Sheets using the SORT function, start by selecting the desired date column. Then, use the SORT function and specify the range to sort, followed by a comma.

Lastly, add “TRUE” for ascending order or “FALSE” for descending order as an additional parameter.

When organizing data using the SORT function in Google Sheets to set ascending or descending order, remember to select the specific column you want to sort and add “true” for ascending order or “false” for descending order after specifying the range.

Conclusion and Recommendations

In conclusion, mastering the art of sorting dates in Google Sheets is essential for efficient data organization. By validating date cells and utilizing filters or the SORT function, you can easily arrange your data by date with just a few simple steps.

Don’t forget to double-check the format and alignment of your date cells before sorting! With these techniques at your fingertips, you’ll streamline your data management process and save valuable time.

Embrace these methods to enhance your spreadsheet skills and stay organized effortlessly.


1. How do I sort my data by date in Google Sheets?

First, click the column with dates, then choose “Data” from the menu and select “Sort range.” If your data has a header row, tick that option before sorting.

2. Can I sort data for just one day of the week in Google Sheets?

Yes! Use the Filter function or Data validation to pick out rows matching the day you want using the Weekday function.

3. Is it possible to sort my spreadsheet if I’m using Google Drive on a Windows PC?

Absolutely! Open your Google Spreadsheet in Google Drive on your Windows PC and use standard Data sorting features available in Spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel.

4. What is the best way to organize my spreadsheet data by date in Google Workspace?

Use Sort_column within Filter functions for precise Data organization or employ built-in tools provided by Spreadsheet software found within the Google Workspace suite.

5. How can I calculate which day of the week each date falls on within my spreadsheet?

You can calculate this easily by using =WEEKDAY(cell), replacing “cell” with your specific cell containing a date; this reveals which weekday it corresponds to.